A string on the floor, a bubble, a cream pie and a black sphere; these are elements you might encounter in a painting by Sander van Deurzen (1975, Venlo, NL). Shapes melt and dissolve, caught in a brief moment of existence. Because of his working method – almost always the works are created in a single session – everything seems in continuous motion. Forms mutate; a sphere turns into an eye or a mouth and unexpected elements such as a tongue or a bubble pop out from a hole. Holes and black seams suggest the presence of a space beyond, which nevertheless remains inaccessible.
Pink, a color traditionally associated with life, love and romance as well as kitsch and superficiality, is used by van Deurzen in unexpected ways. The lust for life expressed in the paintings and the undercurrent of impermanence are evident in the figures and the overall painting itself.
Painting is central to Sander van Deurzen’s work. Processes of revision and rearrangement, drawing from the long history of painting, run like a thread through his oeuvre. In the process he takes both archetypal and lesser-known themes and gives them a new form and context in the here and now, approaching painting not merely as paint on canvas but as a mentality. From this mentality also emerges his recent spatial work, where the frames, edges and sides become involved, becoming thicker and more disruptive. A cartoonish quality becomes part of the painting as object. Through their form and the literal volume the works now occupy, the paintings take on a more human character. They seem to have a will of their own and make independent decisions.
Sander van Deurzen (Venlo, 1975) is a visual artist based in Amsterdam and lecturer at HKU.
studio: Oude Haagseweg 89 B2, 1066DC, Amsterdam, Netherlands svandeurzen@hotmail.com
Barbara Seiler, Rämistrasse 18, 8001 Zürich, Zwitserland
+41 43 317 1042, info@barbaraseiler.ch