Bending, Dripping, Stumbling, Barbara Seiler Gallery, Zurich, 08.3 – 19.4.2025
With: Milva Stutz.
Address: Rämistrasse 18, Zurich. Open: wed-fri, 12-6pm, sa, 12-5pm
The Basement Show, Stokker Jaeger, Amsterdam, 18.1 – 16.3.2025
With: B. Wurtz, Eleye Boerenkamps, Lucky DeBellevue, Guy de Cointet, Femke Dekkers, Sander van Deurzen, Kimball Holth, Judith Hopf, Wjm Kok, gerlach en koop, Matthew McCaslin, Marijn van Kreij, Emmeline de Mooij, Helma Pantus, Rob Pruitt, Steel Stillman, Esther Tielemans and HW Werther. Music: Alan Licht – A New York Minute. Curated by Lily van der Stokker.
Address: Lomansraat 112, Amsterdam. Open: fri–sat, 1–6pm
Scroll down through (a selection of) past events or jump to archive to see more and current works, including exhibition views.

Jeanne Oosting Prize 2024 – Winner – together with Reinier Lucassen
Read the full jury report here. The award ceremony took place on 7.11, 2024
BRUG, View documentation
From the series: Een ontsnappend schilderij (A painting escapes).
Part of a group show Bruggenbouwers, with Maurice Bogaert, Sander van Deurzen and Arjen Lancel. Nieuw & Meer, Amsterdam, 08.09.24 – 01.12.24
Sander van Deurzen & Georges Robèr (1893-1969), Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke (BE). Installation: a 22 meter long wall-drawing with stove soot that included works by Georges Robèr. 01.05.23 – 01.05.24
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